Kids Can Help!

Are you part of a scout group or classroom looking for ways to help animals? There are many ways to help animals at Happy Endings and in our community.

Why should I help?
Because animals are the best! We help rescue and rehome about 200 cats per year who have been hurt, injured, abused or abandoned. Yes, you CAN make a difference!

How Can I Help?
It’s easy for you and your friends to accomplish a lot with little expense and have fun in the process! From bake sales, to car washes, to Wish List drives, there are lots of ways you can put your creativity to work for animals.

Crafts for Critters
Love to do crafts? You can create toys or beds for companion animals. Make beds or plush toys for the cats at Happy Endings. Make wand toys, catnip pillows, catnip mice, cat beds and even scratching circles and sell them at a craft sale, school function or rummage sale and donate the proceeds to Happy Endings. There are all sorts of crafty ways that you can help animals!

Click on the links below to download craft instructions:

  • Fishing Pole Cat Toy Instructions
  • Catnip Pillow Instructions
  • Catnip Mouse Instructions
  • Cat Bed Instructions
  • Cardboard Scratcher Instructions

  • Spread the Word
    Consider doing your next research paper, speech in class or article in your school newspaper about an animal-related topic.
    There are many animal related issues that deserve discussion such as spay/neuter, responsible animal care, and treating all animals with respect and kindness. There are lots of books, websites and magazines devoted to the subject. You can get information at your local library. Ask your local librarian to set up a display of animal-related books and magazines so other kids can read about them as well.

    Hold a Wish List Drive!
  • Cat Care Special: Cat food, treats, toys, catnip, litter, etc.
  • Help the Shelter Shine: Laundry detergent, bleach, dish soap, disinfectant wipes, paper towels, brooms, mini dust pan/broom, etc.
  • Ultimate Office: Supplies to benefit shelter operations and adoptions

  • Thank you for supporting Happy Endings!